We offer GP, Nurse and Healthcare Assistant clinics to meet your urgent and routine health needs.
Dermatology clinics
Dr Maniera is a GPwSI in Dermatology and we host the Community clinic for this. Other GPs may refer to her. She also has routine appointments available to book. We may ask you to send photographs via a secure link in order to assist the booking and review process.
Dermatology clinics
Dr Maniera is a GPwSI in Dermatology and we host the Community clinic for this. Other GPs may refer to her. She also has routine appointments available to book. We may ask you to send photographs via a secure link in order to assist the booking and review process.
Paediatric clinic
Dr McLaughlin works with the Evelina paediatricians and we have a monthly clinic where patients can have a specialist review without the need for an onwards referral. There is also a multidisciplinary meeting (MDT) where CAMHS, health visitors, school nurses, dietician & early help/family navigators/children’s services amongst others come together to optomise the care we give children. A GP or other health professional may refer to these clinics.
Mental health, Diabetic and Nursing home clinics
These are held weekly with a pre book appointment system. This allows optimisation of conditions. We work closely with our secondary care colleagues and nursing teams to ensure that the treatment and recommendations are considered and holistic. Often we work with our Health care assistants to ensure that physical checks such as blood tests, blood pressure, weight and ECGs are completed.
Baby clinics
The GP registrar and nurse generally run this weekly clinic. It is intended for well babies who are due their 8 week post natal check. Health visitors may also attend. It allows health checks for mum and baby, and assessment of both mental and physical health. The nurse gives the childhood immunisations as per the NHS schedule. Appointments are booked via reception
Baby clinics
The GP registrar and nurse generally runs this weekly clinic. It is intended for well babies who are due their 8 week post natal check. Health visitors may also attend. It allows health checks for mum and baby, and assessment of both mental and physical health. The nurse gives the childhood immunisations as per the NHS schedule. Appointments are booked via reception.
Clinical pharmacy
For those with complex regimes or in need of regular reviews our clinical pharmacist hosts weekly clinics.
Care planning
A GP and care navigator work together to help our most vulnerable patients in a holistic way. Support can be given to the patients, carers and unmet need identified and then supported.
Nurse clinics
Our experienced nurse can provide services such as cervical smears, childhood immunisations and dressings.
Health care assistants
We provide a variety of services with proactive care of chronic conditions such as diabetes, asthma and COPD. NHS health checks, new patient health checks and blood pressure checks ensure that your health needs are identified and met. Investigations such as ECG, 24 hour blood pressure tapes and phlebotomy canalso be booked. Dressings, immunisations and stopping smking advice can also be arranged.
What else can we do for you?
As well as the above, we also offer Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and smoking cessation.
What else can we do for you?
As well as the above, we also offer Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and smoking cessation.
Book an appointment
A routine GP or nurse appointment can be booked via SystmOnline – please speak with reception to activate this if you haven’t already. Currently due to COVID we provide telephone, video and online consultations prior to face to face appointments.